Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Day

I wish I had a more inspired blog for today. But I am clean out of inspiration. So I will just do a quick recap of my day. Got up a little late and fed the restless natives. Attempted to run and only did a mile because my knee is acting up. Got showered and got the kiddos ready to go to dum, dum, dum Walmart. I put off the grocery shopping long enough that we were really scarping the bottom of the barrel for food. We're talking cheese sandwiches and broken tortilla chips for lunch. Yikes. So, hi ho, hi ho, off we go. Not too bad a trip all things considered. Everyone made it out alive and intact and we got groceries for two weeks. I also purchased a small gas grill (think tabletop). I know what you're thinking -- first she weed eats and now she's grilling? What is she smoking? Yep, pun intended. I've just been wanting some grilled food lately and I decided to take matters into my own hands. We have a charcoal grill, but its a bit like the weed eater. More challenge than what I am willing to take on for such a small reward! Anywhosie, I digress. Back to my day. Left the Wallsmart and decided to stop for pizza at this new pizza place in town. Some of the nicest people I've met in a restaurant business before and some of the best pizza I've had since leaving Italy. It was soooo good! And, they had Diet Dr Pepper on tap. Too good to be true, hmmm?? Kids devoured the pizza and zoned in front of the boob tube while I put away groceries. After N's nap time we went for a walk where my knee decided to act up again. So back to house. We hung out in the backyard and I pulled out my weed eater (Yay!) and weeder-eated the back and then mowed. Then I just sat on the swing and enjoyed the beautiful lawn. I love, love, love it when my lawn is so pretty! Its the small things like that that make me happiest. Played some frisbee with J while N chased S around the yard with a plastic trowel. Yep, my one year old chased my three year old with a trowel. I realize he only crawls and she can run, but you wouldn't believe how many times he actually caught her!! Fast little bugger. After I managed to wrangle the kids inside for a bit we made lasagna for dinner and the kids did the cheese grating and did a magnificent job, by the way. Not a lot of cheese actually made it into the lasagna so much as their bellies, but it would end up there anywho. After dinner starts the madness of bedtime routine. This is not for the weak at heart. Have you ever tried bathing/showering, brushing teeth, getting jammies on, combing tangles, reading books, doling out any meds, and tucking in three kiddos who act as though someone just dropped a quarter in them? It ain't purty! But we survived and now the only one up is J and he's watching America's Funniest Home Videos. Peace and quiet finally. A few hours and it starts all over again. I sure will be glad when Cory is back. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby, I love this blog makes me feel kinda like I am at home. Keep it up I love it. Love Daddy Doe