Today was a bad day. I loathe bad days. Even with a deployed husband, most days are good for me. Unfortunately, this day would not turn around no matter how many times I steered the wheel. It started out with a doctor's appt for N. He had an ear infection a couple weekd back that didn't clear up so we had to go back to the doc today to get more antibitoics. I go to the walk-in part of the clinic because I can never get a regular appointment and lo and behold they are closed. I asked why and was informed its a training holiday. So, as an Army wife, I search my brain for what holiday weekend this is. (Cause that's what most "training" holidays are!) Ah yes, its Memorial Day weekend. Being as my hubby is deployed, weekends and holidays don't mean much to me. I completely forgot. But come on!! It's not even Memorial Day until Monday! Soldiers get a four day weekend for most holidays, but this is the walk-in clinic! Anyway, I digress. I got to see a doctor after waiting an hour and yep, ear infection still there. Get meds and head to Walmart for a few things. Here the kids decide to be heathens. I use this word because that is the only thing I can think of to describe what awful little children they were. I won't go into details, but there was popcorn chicken everywhere. N starts fussing in the check out lane as I'm putting the things on the belt. S says, "Momma, I gotta pee pee." (Anyone who has a girl knows this is usually a now-sorta-thing!) I ask her if she can hold it. She shakes her head. I load all the stuff back on the basket and wonder to myself, "Is this the Lord's way of telling me not to spend money?" :P I rush to the bathroom and re-load N back in the basket after the potty break, re-load the belt with my stuff and he starts in to fussing again and there is no stopping it. So I do what any other normal, sane parent would do -- I give him a package of hot dogs. Oh yeah, shut him right up. I pay for the groceries and pry the children out of the cold drink box and off we go to the van. Halfway there I notice something falling as I am walking. I glance behind me and cannot detemine what it was. I look down at N and he is holding a half-opened package of hot dogs. I grab the package from him and hand it to J and tell him to hold them. He says, "But Mom, they were perfect hot dogs and N ruined them!" I say, "I know, Mommy's fault." I hear him mumble, "You shouldn't have given them to him." Wisdom from a 5 year old. N falls asleep on the way home, God bless him. So I start taking groceries in and leave the door to the van open while I walk in and out and let the kids play in the yard. I tell them to please not yell near the van because he really, really, really needs a nap. I am coming back out the door and S screams bloody murder. I run over to her and look for the banshee that must be responsible for this screeching. She says, "J sprayed me with silly string." I hear N cry and I know nap time is over. Sigh. I'm sure you can imagine the rest of the day. I'm supremely happy that it is almost over. Soon, N will sleep peacefully again once the antibiotics kick in and I will become a sane human once again. Until then, my theme song will keep rolling..."So you had a bad day..."
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Nate can stay with me :)
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Nate can stay with me :)
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