Well, alot has changed since the last time I blogged. We finally got out of our yucky temporary lodging and bought our "new to us" house. We are all moved in and unpacked. It was quite a feat but we persevered and are happy to stay here until we die. Well, maybe not until we die, but pretty darn close. Its no fun moving yourself even if it is only 20 minutes down the road. I'm pretty sure the kids would have homesteaded right in the empty field on the side of the road if I told them we didn't have to move anymore.
I really have so much to catch up on, but for now I am only going to update on the Nerf Wars in the house tonight. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! For Christmas J got two new Nerf guns, one being the Stampede, which if you know Nerf, you know its a pretty awesome gun! So these guns combined with the one he already had is obviously a war waiting to happen. When we got home from running errands this evening, the house became a war zone. Picture this: the object of the game is for two players to hide while the other counts to 12. Yes, 12. Whoever shoots and actually hits someone is the winner. Then it all starts over again. J is in the laundry room counting. '1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11..." at which point I see him peeking around the corner. I yell at him to stop peeking and keep counting. "12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...Oh wait, I passed 12! Here I come!" All the while Cory is pushing the girl ahead of him into the dark dining room whispering loudly, "GO, GO, GO!" J comes racing around the couch at full speed only to get bombarded by the other two as he rounds the corner. Went down without firing a single shot and he's the one holding the stampede. Next, Cory is going to count and the other two lie in wait. Well, that's the idea anyway. Cory is counting and S runs and hides behind the chair where I'm sitting. I hear her scrambling around and as soon as Cory yells, "Here I come," she gets scared, comes out from behind the chair saying, "Daddy, I'm here!" and pulls out the lamp from the wall as she trips for the next ten minutes. I hear J in the other room, "Is anyone gonna find me?" Cory and the girl join forces and decide to take down the enemy. Cory pushes S in front of him and says, "You're point man." Um, yeah. She couldn't even hide behind the chair in a bright living room without getting scared. I'm sure she'll forge the dark hallway and bedroom first. You betcha. She huddles in the foyer with her bazooka at ready and Cory ambushes the small child in the bedroom. Chaos ensues and, as always, fussing and fighting follows and Nerf guns are put away...again. The battle may have been won, but the war is still going. Until the next gauntlet is thrown...
1 comment:
This was hilarious. Laughed my head off. I really miss living across the street. Oh yea, bout time you blogged something. :P
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