Monday, May 3, 2010


As many of you know, J is a huge talker. (We've no clue where he gets it from.) We were in the car today and, like always, he starts with the random, off the wall questions.

J: "Mom, do vampires explode?"

Me: "Huh?"

J: "Vampires. Do they explode when they get in the sun?"

Me: "No, vampires aren't real."

J: "I KNOW they aren't real. But if they were, would they explode in sunlight?"

Me: "No, I think they turn to dust or something. But they aren't real."

J: "I KNOW! Do they turn into bats?"

Me: "No, bats turn into vampires. So, yeah, I guess they do. Never mind. But they aren't real."

J: "I KNOW, Mom! Do they have blood?"

Me: "I assume."

J: "Do they die?"

Me: Sigh. "No, because they are already dead."

J: "Can we talk about something else?"

Me: "Why? What's wrong?"

J: "Cause this is freakin' me out, man."

Boy keeps me entertained!


The Frisks said...

Oh, I love that boy. He's too much. He and Big Man are a pair.

Amy said...

I can just picture his face and how big his eyes probably were when he said it was freakin him out! :)