Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grocery store trip

I have been told in the past that I am a highly unapproachable person. I've been told this in nice ways and not-so-nice ways. I suppose I can be a bit stand-offish, but its mostly because I am a shy person and not because I am a rude person. But I tend to take my "stand-offish" personality to heart when I am in the grocery store. Most of the time I have at least one kid with me and most of the time I have all three of them. So I mean business in the store. In and out, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. I'm not trying to homestead here, people. Today I needed to run in to the store for butter and chicken and vanilla. That's it. I passed a lady that had four children, God bless her, and I smiled at her because I felt we had a sort of understanding -- you know, lots of kids by ourselves and all that jazz. Weeellllll, I am leaving the store and getting the kids buckled in the van and I turn around and BOO! she's standing right there next to me. I'm startled and I say "Yes?" She proceeds to inform me that J's booster seat is not appropriate for rear facing because it hasn't been tested that way. I explain that technically the booster seat is forward facing, the actual seat of the van is rear facing. (We have one of those cool swivel seats in the second row.) She says, "Oh I know, but the booster seat is safest forward facing and don't we want to be safest?" I blink at her and really want to be snarky at this point. So I point out that don't all the car seat techs promote how safe it is to be rear facing as long as possible? And she says, "Yes, but not in this instance." Sigh. I held my tongue like the good christian woman I am and thanked her for the info and would give it some consideration. I don't know if she is correct or if I will ever be able to keep up with the car seat laws. I probably need to be in a car seat myself. I mean, isn't that the safest??? Anyway, all that being said, what made her think it was okay to approach me like that? Maybe wait until I was done strapping them in and then I would see her standing in front of the car and we could talk that way. But no, she gets all up in my personal space. She stood as close as my own husband stands to me. Not okay in my book. Not to mention the horrible luck I have had with a vagrant in the grocery store parking lot. I am already a bit gun shy about strangers approaching me. I guess the whole thing just irked me a bit. My kids are in weight appropriate car seats and installed correctly. I even held off on the booster seat for J until he was almost 5 because he was so small. I guess that's what I get for being so approachable today. Again, sigh.

**I am putting this in here for anyone who is a certified car seat tech and wants to get rabid about this post -- I am by no means putting my children at risk and don't intend to ignore car seat laws.**


Anonymous said...

Baby, this one had me rolling on the floor. I can't tell you how much I love to read your blog, fell like I am back home with you when I do. Keep it up!!! I love and miss y'all so much.

Amy said...

ol. I totally second what your hubby said! Love it! Not that you were approached by rabid car seat people, but the way you write about it. J's fine. You know your children, and how careful you are with them- don't let the know-it-alls bug you. I feel ya with the personal space thing- most Koreans don't have such things. :) You should see the looks C gives to people who stroke her hair before they even talk to her! :D

Anonymous said...

Where did she stash her 4 kids so she could come over and "inspect" your vehicle? Did she buckle and leave them in her vehicle on a very hot summer day! Or were the urchins running wild and free in the parking may have missed an opportunity here!


The Frisks said...

That's a good point. Where were her children. Probably locked in her vehicle, dehydrated but safely buckled. :P