Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This and that

I figured it was about time to post a new blog, so I am posting. Not a whole lot going on. I turned 30 last Saturday. Sigh. I'm okay with it. Just can't believe I'm 30. Sounds so cliche, but where did the time go? I swear I was just 16 and making out with Cory in his truck on a Saturday night. Now I'm 30 and haven't made out with my husband in who knows how long!!! I've got 3 kids, a mortgage, responsibilities, and living much too far from family. But to tell the truth, I am so happy with how the last 30 years have turned out. The Lord has blessed me with the most supportive and loving husband a woman could ask for and three of the loudest and most cuddlesome children in the universe! I've got wonderful family that I wouldn't trade for the world and some of the best friends I could dream of. So, all in all, yeah, I'm pretty good with being 30. Look what I am surrounded by! Who wouldn't want to celebrate another birthday like that, right?

What else is going on here? My neighbors moved down the street. They sold their house and are renting a house down the street until the Army tells them where they are headed. I'm so grateful that they are still within shouting distance, but I can longer spy on them. What ever will I do with all my extra time now? I suppose I could start spying on the pot smoking neighbors now. Or maybe clean my house. Hmmm. Pot smoking neighbors it is!

I got the kiddos a pool for the backyard. One of those that the top ring is inflatable and the bottom looks like a bell. It was a bitch putting it up. Our ground is slightly unlevel. In the directions it stresses how important a level ground is. What it does not stress is that the ground needs to be perfectly level to within 1/2000th of an inch! It took me two days and lots of blood, sweat and tears to put up a stupid easy set pool. But I did it and we are loving it. The kids are great about it too -- every time we get in, they spout off the rules one by one. Rule number 1: No peeing in the pool. Rule number 2: No leaning on the side. Rule number 3: No peeing in the pool. Rule number 4: No dunking. Rule number 5: No peeing in the pool. See a pattern here?

Tomorrow I am trying my hand at homemade peach preserves. I'm so excited! Suzy Homemaker, move the crap over! Here I come. I'm sure there will be more blood, sweat and tears, but I will persevere. Wish me luck and I will update soon!

1 comment:

The Frisks said...

You can still spy on us, you just have to open your door, walk to the side walk and peek. Might be a little obvious though, also no matter how that peach perserves come out, SAVE ME SOME. :P