Friday, June 18, 2010

Mission: Preserves

Well, I accomplished my mission. I made the preserves. And they turned out quite yummy if I do say so myself. I doubted myself the whole way and felt sure that I had screwed it up multiple times, but in the end they were a success! And today I made another batch and even tried my hand at plumcot preserves. Ever heard of a plumcot, by the way? Its a hybrid fruit -- plums and apricots, in case you hadn't already figured it out. Now, I know you are thinking the same thing I am right now. Imagine a plum tree sneaking across the orchard to the apricot tree and whispering in its ear before they sneak off to behind the barn, right? Hmm, not what you were thinking huh? Don't tell me you didn't laugh! Anyway, enough chit chat. I got some peach preserves with my name on them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby, today I received the package you sent me with the preserves in it. I can't wait to have some with my breakfast in the morning. Thank you so much!!! I love and miss you so much. Love Always