Thursday, July 1, 2010

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I am sure all of you have been dying to read another blog from me. Well, the suspense is over! I am back! As most of you know, I went back home to see family for about a week and they are pretty close to the dark ages there and one actually has to go to a library to access the internet. Gasp! With three kids under 6 in tow, I decided 'twas better to be internet-free for a few days.

My mini-vacation was pretty great! I stayed with my sister this time, which is a bit of a change and we really did have a wonderful time. I don't usually get to spend so much time with her and it meant alot to me to get to catch up again and let our kids spend as much time as possible together. Seeing as how we are moving soon, I really wanted to get some quality family time in and I did.

Funny story for the trip home. The night before I left, my brother-in-law was getting my neice's carseat out of my car and accidentally left the car door open all night. Well, the car started fine, but my immediate worry was what had crawled in and spent the night. I checked the car when I left and all was well. I get about 3/4 of the way home and I start to feel like something is crawling on my legs. Now, in the back of my mind I am thinking its probably my imagination. (Or hoping!) My sister and her husband live on 5 acres in the middle of nowhere. Okay, its somewhere, but nowhere is right down the road. So they have alot of little creepy crawly critters, hence the need for checking the van when we left. Anywhosie, I keep getting the feeling that something is crawling on me the whole way home. We pull in the drive and J jumps to the front of the van and points and says, "Look Mom!" And there on the dash is the biggest grasshopper I have ever seen. Mind you, grasshoppers do not bother me. I've helped J catch them numerous times. I think this one could have caught me though! Nothing like bringing part of your vacation home, huh?

1 comment:

Amy said...

lol.. well, at least Jackson got to see some bugs! :P Glad you had a good time.