Friday, July 16, 2010

My name is Kasey and I'm addicted

So, another week has passed in the blink of an eye and I'm just getting around to posting a new blog entry. 'Cause you know I'm not busy at all, what with three kids and a house to maintain. *insert eyeroll* Time just seems to get away from me. But I did do something this week that was probably in my best interest. I gave up the stupid Facebook games. Oh yes, I did. Most of you that know me know that I love those games, but can become somewhat, shall we say, enamored with them. I wasn't neglecting the children (much) and the housework got done (mostly) and I limited my time on the computer (I promise!) But this week something unthinkable happened. I accidentally clicked the wrong thing and set the game back pretty much to the beginning. After wiping the tears away, I picked myself up off the floor and recognized the addiction for what it was. Yes, folks, my name is Kasey and I'm addicted to Frontierville. And Farmville. And Farmtown. Sad, isn't it? But I walked away from the games this week. Cold turkey, might I add. I really haven't had the desire to go back that I thought I would have. I'm guessing that means that I'm not as addicted as I thought, right? I did get alot done this week. Amazing how the computer sucks you in and before you know it, its been three hours and dinner's burned, the kids are surviving on cereal from between the couch cushions and the baby is drinking toilet water. So glad that's never happened to me!


Anonymous said...

Did you stop blogging as well?

Armywife said...

Hi, not too sure who left this comment, but no I haven't stopped blogging.

Armywife said...
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